Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kinect imaging lets surgeons keep their focus - tech - 17 May 2012 - New Scientist

THE surgeon enters the operating theatre, covered in sterile blue scrubs. Machines beep and hiss. Nurses wait, tools at the ready: scalpel, forceps, bandage, Xbox... Xbox?
On Tuesday last week, a surgeon at Guy's and St Thomas' hospital in London began trials of a new device that uses an Xbox Kinect camera to sense body position. Just by waving his arms the surgeon can consult and sift through medical images, such as CT scans or real-time X-rays, while in the middle of an operation.

Read the full article at:

Kinect imaging lets surgeons keep their focus - tech - 17 May 2012 - New Scientist

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LEAP Motion sensor - Novel gesture-based interaction at high accuracy

Leap represents an entirely new way to interact with your computers. It’s more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen.  For the first time, you can control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements.
This isn’t a game system that roughly maps your hand movements.  The Leap technology is 200 times more accurate than anything else on the market — at any price point. Just about the size of a flash drive, the Leap can distinguish your individual fingers and track your movements down to a 1/100th of a millimeter.
This is like day one of the mouse.  Except, no one needs an instruction manual for their hands.

If this is for real they really have a breakthrough technology at their hands. This would really enable the introduction of gesture-based interaction into medicine with high accuracy and flexibility with minimal movements.
Check it out at their website.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Report: Docs are adopting tablets more than you think

Physicians’ device and digital media adoption are evolving much faster than anticipated, especially when it comes to tablets, according to a May report from healthcare market research firm Manhattan Research.
Report: Docs are adopting tablets more than you think

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cross enterprise data sharing

In radiology the data sharing between healthcare enterprises is a growing challenge and concern. Large amounts of CDs and DVDs are being shipped daily with big problems concerning the handling, viewing, upload, etc. Health Imaging has published a short article about 5 tips for optimizing image sharing. It is worth to read for those involved.

Monday, May 14, 2012

iPad as good in interpretation of pulmonary embolism as PACS workstation

The iPad is gaining ground in medical imaging. In a recent (online) publication in the journal Emergency Radiology entitled "The iPad as a mobile device for CT display and interpretation: diagnostic accuracy for identification of pulmonary embolism", the authors demonstrated the use of iPad interpretation of CT scans in patients suspected with Pulmonary Embolism. They conclude that:
CT interpretation on an iPad enabled accurate identification of pulmonary embolism, equivalent to display on the PACS. This mobile device has the potential to expand radiologists’ availability for consultation and expedite emergency patient management.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Interaction Beyond the Keyboard

IEEE Computing Now features an article on interaction beyond the keyboard. In this article Albrecht Schmidt from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and Elizabeth Churchill from Yahoo Research explore possibilities to replace the conventional mouse and keyboard to achieve a more intuitive and versatile way of interacting with computers to explore the world of online communications and information access.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Advanced viz points way to personalized medicine

The era of personalized medicine has dawned. At its best, personalized medicine promises to improve patient care and outcomes, while better allocating healthcare resources, by individualizing treatment to specific characteristics of a patient’s disease.
Health Imaging News Portals | Advanced Visualization | Advanced viz points way to personalized medicine

Thursday, May 3, 2012

DIY (Diagnose It Yourself) Medicine Begins With An Open Source Reinvention Of The Stethoscope

Check this great movie showing the capabilities of home operated devices.

Filmless Regions in France

Although recent reports of the European Union should that France is behind in implementation of PACS they are trying to catch-up with a large projects to achieve filmless regions.
The RĂ©gion Sans Film (Filmless Region) project is now underway after its launch in 2008 to spur PACS adoption in the greater Paris area. Four hospitals are already utilizing elements of the program's cloud-based RIS, PACS, and archiving platform, with more than 25 additional hospitals scheduled to follow in the next two years.
Check-out the coverage on Auntminnie here