Saturday, March 3, 2012

ECR - MIR@ECR - Managing Radiology

Three presentations were given in this session.

The first one was on the implications for radiology of Imaging and benchmarking by dr. Schouman. Benchmarking is the comparison to best practices based on measurements. She promoted benchmarking to achieve improvement of the productivity and performance of a radiology department. The current situation with EHR, RIS and PACS starts to enable efficient benchmarking. Problems are
- Cumbersome data capture
- Poor data quality
- Lack of standardization
- Reductive analysis
- Meaningless comparisons
One of the key points is the assurance that manual data entry is done correctly. For example the information going into the RIS.

Second was the added value of in-house radiological IT by dr. Jakobsen. He showed, based on examples, that IT is crucial for the operation of a radiology department and that the absence of IT would take down that complete radiology department. The in-house IT support is critical to keep the IT up and running since they can either solve the problem or knows who to contact. Concluding in-house radiology IT can effectively prevent a stop in workflow.

Finally, dr. Senol talked about Risk management in radiology. As definition of risk he gave: The potential that an chosen action or inaction leads to a negative outcome. Risks in radiology are:
- related to reporting
- direct harm to the patient
- related to decision making
Risks related to reporting are:
- delay
- errors in reporting (up to 4% of reports)
- false positive or negative errors
- incorrect diagnosis
When an error occured patient and hospital should be informed and the root cause of the error should be assessed.

1 comment:

  1. I think these presentations would have been really interesting to attend. I have been wanting to learn a little more about all aspects of the PACS radiology system. I think it was wise of him to talk about the risks of radiology in general. It's good to know what to be aware of.
