Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Keeping Hackers Out of Implanted Medical Devices - IEEE - The Institute

The hacking of medical devices is not only limited to equipement in the hospital containing patient related information but, according to some, also could happen to implanted medical devices such as pacemakers.
A group of researchers therefore developed a prototype of a firewall for such devices to guard them from malicious attacks.
Check out the coverage from IEEE: Keeping Hackers Out of Implanted Medical Devices - IEEE - The Institute

Monday, July 23, 2012

Virtual Holography for Medical 3D imaging?

Check out the coverage on the diagnostic imaging website on the topic of virtual holography.
They have an article on the development of two companies called Echopixel Technologies and Infinite Z that are attempting to join forces to develop these kind of displays in order to provide the 'real 3D experience'.
Infinite Z already is distributing holographic devices for mechanical engineering as can be seen from their website and the movie displayed below of a product called zSpace.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Emerging mHealth: Paths for growth

PWC published a report entitled "Emerging mHealth: Pahts for growth" that shares the results of a global research study about the opportunities and challenges of mobile health from the perspective of patients, payers and providers. The pdf of the report can be found here. The presentation on the report can be found on slideshare here