This blog provides information on conferences and novelties in the area of Medical Imaging Informatics (MII). MII has a broad scope ranging from the Radiology Information System and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) to Advanced Visualization and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). To find new opportunities in healthcare we need to look at informatics solutions in other areas to apply them into the medical field to achieve higher level healthcare at lower costs.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Four new serious healthcare games by Dutch gaming companies
More information can be found here (in Dutch)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Health data protection standards developed by ISO
Radiology: Virtual colonoscopy effective screening tool in older patients
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Are free Apps a security hazard for patient privacy?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Frugal innovation in healthcare
In Technisch Weekblad of February 18, 2012 an article was published on Frugal Innovation (in Dutch). In frugal innovation the aim is to design prodcuts such that they can be used in less develope countries by taking 80 to 90 percent of the price.
One example they discuss is the development in India by Neurosynaptic, a company that develops medical technology. They have developed a kit that can measure heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, an oxygen. Furthermore, camera, computer and networkconnection is included for below €400. One consult this way only costs about 70 eurocents! Using this they can help patients in rural areas by deploying and using the kit locally and have a medical docter at the other end of the line in the city that can read out all the values and have contact with the patient via video conferencing.
The system works at 32 KB/s datlines and can handle the irregular power supply in India.
Surprisingly, this development is now also brought to the developed countries to be used for home monitoring of patients.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Touch screen mouse by logitech
Logitech introduced the Touch Mouse M600 at about €70.
The complete surface of the mouse is a multi-touch screen. The mouse can be programmed with different functions of the touch interface surface and can be easily configured for both left and right handed use. In radiology I envision this mouse could be used to get a more easy and versatile way of scrolling through datasets.
Study: U.S. leads other countries in health IT adoption
Friday, February 17, 2012
Top 10 uses of iPad in Radiology - SIIM
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Pocket Physio app launched for knee surgery patients
GE Healthcare and Microsoft unite to form Caradigm developing clinical apps on open technology platform
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
JAMIA: Cloud computing, while constrained by regs, could make EHRs more appealing
Monday, February 13, 2012
JHIM: Data mining is essential to healthcare
EuroPACS Newsletter online

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Healthcare only accounted for 1% of data breaches in 2010
Friday, February 10, 2012
Health Imaging News Portals | Healthcare IT | Webinar: Providers should more readily adopt social media
Health Imaging News Portals | Healthcare IT | HIMSS: Vendor-neutral archive can solve PACS problems
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Smart Hospital Room equipped with RFID tagging
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Electronic Ordering with Imaging Decision Support Well Accepted

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
New Interactive Table
Building from the innovation of the first version of Microsoft® Surface® and Samsung's leading display technology, it is now possible for people to share, collaborate and explore together using a large, thin display that recognizes fingers, hands and other objects placed on the screen.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Fastfourier transform can be performed faster
Denmark taps InterSystems for nationwide HIE
Saturday, February 4, 2012
How Secure Is Cloud-based Image Sharing?
They state that interest in cloud-based image sharing has swelled in recent months. The topic has appeared on national conference agendas, and a growing number of vendors now offer clients the ability to transfer images anywhere worldwide. But the rising popularity of sending images via the Internet doesn’t mean everyone in the radiology industry is comfortable with the idea.
I a poll Diagnostic imaging did they found that 70% of respondents are concerned about the security of cloud-based image sharing. Two major concerns are: Will images viewed through the cloud be of high enough quality to render a diagnosis, and will a cloud sharing system protect the large number of patient images effectively?
In this article they discuss these issues with some of the vendors that have cloud-based image sharing on the market today.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Providers should more readily adopt social media
“The most important thing that hospitals can be doing is participating in those communities,” said Ed Bennett, who manages web operations for the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore and also maintains a blog, Found in Cache, on social media resources for healthcare professionals.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
New serious game in the AppStore: Prognosis
Prognosis provides a large number of cases in which the 'patient' is presented and the user has to go through the process of the clinical case evaluation to come to the diagnosis by a number of multiple choice questions. At the end, the results are rated. Each case will take you a couple of minutes to complete so it is perfect to do a couple of them while waiting for the bus or any other spare time you might have.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Free IPad magazine on HIT
HITExchange magazine is now available for free through the Apple iTunes store. It deliveres an HIT interactive magazine that really starts to use the capabilities of digital magazines to the iPad for free.
HIT Exchange magazine connects healthcare executives who set strategy for their organizations and the IT professionals charged with implementing this strategy throughout their facilities. Each issue covers the most salient IT issues, innovations, and trends from both business and technical perspectives throughout their facilities-reaching more than 72,000 HIT decision makers nationwide.