Friday, November 1, 2013

HIMSS Europe 2013 Amsterdam - SA7: Update and New Developments on IHE

Parisot presented in the update and new developments of IHE. One of the main messages from his presentation was that interoperability will never be turnkey magic, but always involve hard work. IHE is growing into new domains, new paradigms, adoption at national and regional level, enhancing deployment support, benefits for profile based interoperablity better understood. The challenge in getting IHE working is not in the writing of the profiles and produce the corresponding documents but in the deployment and use of the profiles. To support this open source test tooling (Gazelle) is available from IHE to test for IHE profiles and setup quality management for test plans. The tools are available for eHealth projects and vendors through IHE services.

Parisot also stated that the mobile world poses a large problem that every app is a silo on itself resulting in thousands of apps that can be used by the patient that are not connected and do not allow data sharing. Therefore, patients will have to use tens of apps to get all their required information. IHE is developing IHE profiles for mHealth to have app compatibility such that the user can choose te app and connect to required hospitals and other healthcare providers (IHE-MHD profile). Mhealth = IHE + HL7 + DICOM. A major challenge here is still authentication and determination of the identity of the user. 

 below you can find the official information and abstract from the programme

SA7: Update and New Developments on IHE

New Developments in IHE: Mobile Health, Device Connectivity and eHealth Projects Services

Charles Parisot, Manager Architecture and Standards, IHE Europe Stearing Committee, France

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise has established a solid reputation in providing standards-based interoperability specification, IHE profiles that are proven, tested at Connectathon and widely adopted by the market and eHealth projects around the world. This presentation will provide an overall update of IHE profiles adoption world-wide, focusing on the recent profiles targeting specifically mobile Health, and home and hospital medical devices interoperability. It will conclude with the increased attention by IHE to offer its open interoperability test tools along with supporting services that greatly facilitate hospital and regional eHealth project deployment.

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