A group from New York presented on a system to improve the learning of residents. They stated that many times, the residents write a report, but one on one review with their supervisor is not always possible. The resident will see the supervisors corrections later on which decreases the learning value. They developed a seperatentool into their reading process adding a simple form for the supervisor to identify whether there were changes or not and somenmore details what was changed and what the consequences would be. This does not only provide more information for the residents but it also gives insight in the strengths and weaknesses of specific residents. A very interesting and valuable development.
Another group from Philadelphia did a similar study. However they provided the residents with a text changes comparison tool with their own report and the supervisors report. In these report the changes are marked. Residents can look at their last 100 report in a side by side comparison. This group also implemented a feedback form into thei PACS. This form is used by the supervisor to comment on a preliminary report of a resident using a guided form. The resident will receive an e-mail with the comments and links to the report and data through PACS and RIS webviewers.
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